Time To Act

I never want to leave my bed, Why do I have to face the outside world again? As soon as I get up, It's time to act. The stage lights shine bright, But stage make-up covers my true appearance. The costume helps me slip into the correct character, Who am I playing today? I know I'm …

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Playing Grown-Up

Confused as we run for the bus, Lost as we wander the smoke-choked streets. Stiff in this suit, Tense while waiting. Someone could always be watching. We aren't allowed to do what we once did, We must obey the rules. Now that we are older, There is Law and Order. As kids, We never realized …

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Family Vacation To The White Mountain National Forest In New Hampshire

The title says it all: my family and I went to the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire! My mom wanted to go skiing for her birthday (which was April 2nd) and we drove to Loon Mountain in Lincoln, NH. I'm so happy that we got to go, I have been wanting to go …

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